Monday, October 26, 2009

The Real Voldemort

Evangelical Christians love to debate Harry Potter. Many decry him and his Hogwarts gang as the insidious heralds of a new witchcraft that will destroy the remnants of American Christendom. Perhaps he (and they) will, perhaps not.

But one thing that is far more likely is that we will fall victim to forces worse than Voldemort and his Dark Arts cohort. These aren't sinister fiends wearing black capes with dementors at their beck and call. Rather, they are the scientists and marketeers who equate knowledge with power unrestrained by wisdom or morality. Our modern life is filled with "advances" that have become necessities, and we unthinkingly accept the claims of "You need this!" and "Lose weight with this (magic) pill!"

I'm not a Luddite. I am typing, after all, a blog entry on a computer that I happen to enjoy using. But I do worry about what will happen to a community when its members cease to worship God and refuse to acknowledge His authority. Professor David Bentley Hart, in his incredible Atheist Delusions, shares a dire prophecy about what will happen to us:

"When the aspiring ape ceases to think himself a fallen angel, perhaps he will inevitably resign himself to being an ape, and then become contented with his lot, and ultimately even rejoice that the universe demands little more from him than an ape's contentment."

Worse than such "banality" and dissolution, Hart foresees greater horrors produced by a society that replaces Christian humanism with dangerous "advances" in science:

"The mass manufacture of nerve toxins and nuclear weaponry, court-mandated sterilizations, lobotomies, the miscegenation of human and porcine genetic materials, experimentation on prison populations, clinical studies of untreated syphilis in poor black men, and so on: all of this required the scientific mind to move outside or 'beyond' Christian superstitions regarding the soul and the image of God within it."

Lord Voldemort, you've met your match in the blood-lust of the modern and post-modern age. You have slaughtered your thousands; scientism has slaughtered its millions.

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